After two nights in prison, coconut vendor fined $800

NASSAU-Coconut vendor Marvin Joseph spent two nights in prison as he awaited sentencing for selling his wares without a business license.

Today, a magistrate imposed a $800 fine for operating his business outside the confines of the law.

Since June, police have arrested the 20-year-old father-of-one for selling coconut jelly and water without a license.

In June, a magistrate gave him a warning. Earlier this month, the same magistrate fined him $25 or one week.

But police found Joseph operating his stand at the same spot just two weeks later.

Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt told Joseph it was honourable that he was trying to provide for his family.

But, she said, he had to do so legally.

The magistrate said that Joseph clearly hadn’t learned anything from his previous arrests.

Attorney Jomo Campbell told the magistrate that the firm of Munroe and Associates would assist Joseph in the application process.

Mr Campbell said this was the only work Joseph could find, given the tough economic climate.

Magistrate Ferguson-Pratt warned Joseph not to resume his business until he gets his license.

Joseph didn’t have the money for his fine. The court directed him to pay $400 by August 14 and the remainder by September 4.


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