Accused sex traffickers now face child porn charges

NASSAU-Prosecutors have filed child pornography charges against a man and a pregnant woman accused of forcing two teenagers into prostitution.

Shamika Rolle, 28, of Wilson Track, and loan officer Jamalaya Roberts, 40, of Allen Drive, were arrested on March 18.

Days later they appeared in court charged with conspiracy to engage in trafficking in persons and transporting persons for the purpose of prostitution. The offenses allegedly occurred between February 1, 2021 through March 4.

Now prosecutors allege that Rolle made nude videos of the teenagers at Smith’s Motel between February 28, 2021 and March 4 and published them.

Both Rolle and Roberts are accused of possession of child pornography after the nude images of the teenagers were allegedly found stored on their mobile devices.

As a result of the new charges, prosecutors renewed their objection to bail for the pair.

Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt has set trial dates of May 19 through 21.

She will hear further arguments for bail on April 6.

Man, woman deny trafficking missing teens for sex