Pregnant teen escapee sent to adult jail

A pregnant teen who escaped from the Willie Mae Pratt School For Girls on March 9 is now being held in an adult jail.

The 16-year-old was remanded to the juvenile detention center last September on a vehicle theft charge.

She was taken from the facility to seek medical attention at the Adolescent Health Clinic on School Lane.

The teen reportedly changed her clothing while at the clinic and walked past guards while wearing a bonnet that obscured most of her face.

She remained at large until March 13 when police arrested her in front of a home in Windsor Place.

The teen pleaded guilty to escape from lawful custody when he appeared before Magistrate Kendra Kelly on Thursday, March 16.

She was remanded to the Bahamas Department of Corrections until May 31 for sentencing.

The Court has requested a probation report to assist with sentencing.