Accused pedophile faces child porn charges

Zendel Stubbs is back behind bars after being accused of a third sexual assault on a child

NASSAU- An accused pedophile allegedly had pornographic images of two underage girls, prosecutors allege.

Zendel Stubbs Jr., 33, is accused of the statutory rape of the girls, ages 12 and 15 in July and August of this year.

The age of consent for heterosexual relationships is 16.

Stubbs allegedly met his victims on social media. Additionally, Stubbs is accused of having dirty images of the young girls in his phone.

He appeared before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt on Monday charged with unlawful sexual intercourse and child pornography.

Stubbs did not have to enter pleas to the charges because his trial will take place in the Supreme Court.

The chief magistrate remanded Stubbs to prison until December 12. On that date, prosecutors are expected to fast-track the case to the Supreme Court by presenting a voluntary bill of indictment.