Privy Council orders new sentence for ‘Die’ Stubbs

Andrew Davis (left) and Accused cop killers Stephen Stubbs have filed a final appeal to the Privy Council

NASSAU- The Privy Council today upheld the convictions of accused cop killers Stephen “Die” Stubbs and Andrew “Yogi” Davis but ordered that they be resentenced.

Meanwhile, the Privy Council rejected the prosecution’s challenge against the acquittal  of their co-accused Clinton “Russ” Evans.

The ruling means that Stubbs will get another chance to seek a reduction of his 45-year sentence for the 1999 murder of DC Jimmy Ambrose.

Davis, who had a myriad of health issues, died at the prison on October 28 after complaining of fever, chills and appetite loss for several days.

The men were sentenced to life imprisonment following their 2013 convictions for the murder.

The Court of Appeal in 2019 upheld those convictions and imposed sentences of 45 years each.

In light of time served, the Court of Appeal held that Stubbs had to serve 35 years from the date of the Court of Appeal judgment, and Davis had to serve 34 years from the date of its judgment.

The prosecution conceded that their sentences should have run from the date of the 2013 convictions.

The Privy Council said a new sentence was necessary as the Court of Appeal did not consider that breach of Stubbs’ and Davis’ constitutional rights.

They were wrongly sentenced to death at their first trial and their right to trial within a reasonable time had been breached by the third trial.