Man arrested for curfew breach while looking for his dog

Nassau-A man broke the curfew to capture his escaped dog, a court heard yesterday.

Police arrested Anthony Wallace, 54, for the curfew breach after 11pm on May 15 on Farrington Road.

When the officers asked Wallace why he wasn’t home, he said his dog had broken free.

He maintained that story when he appeared before Magistrate Samuel McKinney on Tuesday, May 19.

In court, Wallace said he left home in search of his pit bull after a neighbour told him that the dog had broken free from his chain.

Wallace claimed that the dog had bitten someone before.

Wallace said he caught the dog but got injured in the process.

He said, “I got him but at the same time I hurt myself. That’s how I fall down and I run into the law at the same time.”

Wallace came to court on police bail. He had a walking boot on his right leg and hobbled into court on crutches.

The magistrate accepted his explanation and placed Wallace on probation for two years.

A probation breach will incur a $1,500 fine. Failure to pay the fine results in a six month prison sentence.

McKinney told Wallace, “Make sure your dog is properly chained. The next time you use that excuse you’ll be fined.”