Wife burns abusive husband’s spousal permit

Nassau, BAHAMAS-An abused woman set her husband’s resident spousal permit on fire during a domestic dispute, a court heard today.

The woman admitted a charge of causing damage at her arraignment before Deputy Chief Magistrate Andrew Forbes.

Police arrested the 21-year-old Bahamian after she destroyed the Haitian man’ spousal permit during one of their many heated clashes.

The woman said she had been in a relationship with her 43-year-old husband for six years. They have been married for four years and have two children.

She said, “As of last year, I have experienced physical and verbal abuse.”

The magistrate asked the woman if she had made any complaints about her husband’s alleged behaviour.

Forbes advised, “I think you value yourself. And if somebody is emotionally, physically and otherwise abusing you, you need to take steps to prevent that.”

Forbes told the young mother to think about how the abuse would affect their children.

He said, “They may be young, but they are still aware of what is going on. You need to think of them as well.”

Although Forbes found the charge proven, he did not convict the woman.
Instead, he ordered her to attend counselling.

Forbes said the court staff would also contact the domestic abuse hotline on her behalf.

She returns to court on April 19, 2021 for an update.