Home Court News RBDF Officer accused of gang rape

RBDF Officer accused of gang rape

Able Mechanic Yorick Brice Jr (left) and his brother Maximus Brice

NASSAU-A law enforcement officer is among three men accused of the gang rape of two 19-year-old girls.

Prosecutors allege that Royal Bahamas Defence Force officer Yorick Brice Jr., 26, his brother Maximus Brice, 19, and a 17-year-old boy raped the women at a party on July 12.

Yorick Brice, who was recently promoted to able mechanic, has been suspended and placed on half-pay pending the conclusion of the case.

They were not required to enter pleas when they made their first court appearance before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt and denied bail.

Magistrate Ferguson-Pratt remanded the adults to the Bahamas Department of Corrections and the juvenile to the Simpson Penn School For Boys.

Prosecutors intend to fast-track the case to the Supreme Court with a voluntary bill of indictment on October 21.

Bjorn Ferguson represents the Brice brothers and Nathan Smith appeared for the juvenile.

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