Man denied bail for second sex rap with same girl

A policeman escorts Godfrey Gray (in blue) to court

NASSAU-An accused child sex offender will remain in prison for his second case involving the same underage victim.

Justice Cheryl Grant-Thompson branded Godfrey Gray a danger to public safety as she denied him bail this week.

Gray, 39, faced three counts of statutory rape of the 14-year-old girl when he appeared before a magistrate on December 10,2020.

The following month, Justice Gregory Hilton gave him bail on the condition that he had no contact with child.

But on March 7, police re-arrested Gray “in relation to identical allegations involving the same minor victim,” the ruling said.

The judge said, “At the time of the arrest, the applicant along with the victim were in the vicinity of Smith’s motel. The applicant, in my view, has blatantly disregarded a term and condition of bail granted by my brother Justice Hilton, less than two months after bail was granted.”

Based on this breach, Justice Grant-Thompson said there was enough evidence for prosecutors to seek to have the bail in the first case revoked.

Additionally, the judge said to release Gray on bail would be “detrimental to the protection and safety of the public.”

Justice Grant-Thompson said, according to the prosecution’s case, Gray and the child were together at the motel. Additionally, Gray allegedly gave a statement in which he confessed to having sex with the child.

She concluded, “After my review of the evidence against the applicant, I have concluded it raises a reasonable suspicion of the offence, such as to justify the deprivation of liberty by arrest, charge and detention.’

Justice Grant-Thompson said Gray would be tried within a reasonable time.