Home Court News Businessman accused of raping teen at hotel

Businessman accused of raping teen at hotel

NASSAU- A 58-year-old Bahamian businessman has been charged with the rape of an American teen at a local hotel.

Henry Richard Nixon, of Westridge, is accused of raping the 15-year-old at the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar property on April 4.

Nixon, a welder and owner of Cover Up Bahamas, was not required to enter a plea to the charge when he made his initial court appearance today.

He was denied bail and returns to court in May.


  1. Innocent until proven guilty. So why was he denied bail? When murderers are allowed bail..eg. Vasilissa from old fort is walking free?

    • Yes, innocent until proven guilty. I know this man to be a man of great character and integrity. Not that he is infallible. However, his character has been proven and seen by all for decades. Prayer for him, his family, and all involved are what is needed now.

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