Home Court News Top court orders retrial in Andros double murder

Top court orders retrial in Andros double murder

NASSAU- The Court of Appeal on Monday ordered a retrial for two men convicted of the murders of an immigration officer and his girlfriend in 2013.

Shane Gardiner and Tishka Braynen were kidnapped and shot in the head during an attempted armed robbery in Andros on November 24.

A month later, hog hunters found their remains buried in a shallow grave at Newbold Farms.

Zintworn Duncombe and Cordero Saunders were convicted in 2016.

The Court of Appeal in July 2020 quashed their convictions because the trial judge failed to properly investigate an altercation between the jury foreperson and an alternate juror.

The court directed the retrials occur within a reasonable time.

Attorneys for the men argued against a retrial, claiming that the evidence against them is weak.

However, the three-judge panel left that issue for a jury to decide.

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