Home Court News Man smashed girlfriend’s phone and laptop in row over cheating

Man smashed girlfriend’s phone and laptop in row over cheating

NASSAU-A jealous man flew into a rage after his girlfriend received an early morning phone call.

Jamain Higgs, 38, of Shady Tree Street, suspected that the woman was chatting with another man because she wouldn’t let him hear the 5am conversation on March 8.

So, Higgs grabbed the Samsung A20 cellphone and smashed it up.

Later that evening, the couple had another bust-up over accusations of cheating.

On that occasion, Higgs threw an HP laptop on the ground and then stomped on it.

Higgs pleaded guilty to two counts of causing damage at his arraignment before Senior Magistrate Derence Rolle-Davis on Friday.

Attorney Allen Emmanuel said that Higgs was no criminal. Mr. Emmanuel said the construction worker had lost control of his emotions, adding that he had bought the items that he destroyed for his now former girlfriend.

At the time Mr. Emmanuel said that Higgs lived with the woman and their daughter. They’ve since parted ways. But Higgs still supports his child, Mr. Emmanuel told the court.

Magistrate Rolle-Davis ordered the Higgs to compensate his ex $462.69, the value of the items. Higgs paid the money and received an absolute discharge.

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