Home Court News Inmate serves extra time by mistake

Inmate serves extra time by mistake

NASSAU- A convict had two years added to his sentence in error.

As a result of the administrative blunder, Sidney Hart Jr spent an extra two months in custody before the mistake was corrected.

The Court of Appeal ordered Hart’s immediate release from custody on Wednesday.

Hart pleaded guilty to a string of break-ins and thefts in February 2020.

At the time of his plea, Hart had already spent one year in prison.

Magistrate Ayse Rengin Johnson imposed concurrent sentences that totaled an additional year.

But the committal warrants sent to the prison mistakenly said that the sentences were consecutive.

The word mixup caused prison officials to miscalculate Hart’s release date.

Since the warrant erroneously said the sentences would run consecutively, prison officials thought he had to serve three more years with effect from February 2020.

Hart, who didn’t have a lawyer, appealed his sentence.

The prosecutor acknowledged the mistake—and didn’t oppose his appeal.

Court of Appeal President Sir Michael Barnett said, “It is imperative that magistrates ensure that the warrants that are sent to the prison accurately reflect the sentences that are imposed.”

But the blunder could end up being a costly one for the government, if Hart sues.








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