Home Court News Man charged with rape allegedly committed as a teen

Man charged with rape allegedly committed as a teen

NASSAU – A 20-year-old man has now been charged for a rape allegedly committed when he was a teenager.

Skyler Saunders made his first court appearance regarding the incident that allegedly occurred in September 2018 at a church.

When Saunders was 15, prosecutors say he had sex with a 14-year-old girl against her will.

He didn’t have to enter a plea to the charge when he appeared before Assistant Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain.

Saunders returns to court on December 5.

The magistrate remanded Saunders to prison because she lacks jurisdiction to consider bail for the offense.

So, his lawyer Bjorn Ferguson applied for emergency bail in the Supreme Court.

Senior Justice Bernard Turner set bail at $6,000.

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